Last night, Project Veritas just outright proved that Pfizer engaged in fraud.
There is literally no other interpretation for what was said by one of their executives in the video below, other than Pfizer are intentionally mutating variants, so they can preemptively make mRNA versions for them.
They call it "Directed Evolution".

BREAKING: @pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
"Don't tell anyone this...There is a risk...have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something...the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."
This means that Pfizer's indemnification is removed.
Unfortunately, we don't have law enforcement in this none of this matters.
PS...I can already see the Wack-a-doodle mRNA-obsessed zombies saying:
"What's the big deal? Isn't this a good thing? Now, we will have mRNA to target each individual variant!"
Pfizer never did Directed Evolution. Jordon Trishton Walker only said that the suggestion came up in a meeting