The Bernie Madoff of Science
If I came to you in 2007 and told you---based on my own logic, calculations and noticing a plethora of blatantly obvious red flags---that there's a guy named Bernie Madoff who is in the process of stealing $65 billion, you would tell me that i'm making a "wildly speculative claim".
The entirety of Wall Street would laugh me out of every building.
They would do so because Madoff was a pioneer of electronic trading and was once head of Nasdaq, ie a "highly reputable" figure in the industry, respected and sought out by all.
There was in fact a guy named Harry Markopolos who tried to alert the SEC on multiple 2000, 2001, 2005 and 2007.
You know why they didn't act on his "wildly speculative claims"?
Because Madoff had connections at the SEC and because those "wildly speculative claims" were in fact too wild to fathom.
But finally, in December 2008, not even the SEC nor the media could ignore it, because the market had tanked and people came to Madoff to take out their cash.
In the business world, there's a name for a thing that doesn't work unless everyone participates in it:
Ponzi Scheme
Mind you, when one says they want to pull out their investment, they get guilted and manipulated into staying in, either by the schemer or other participants, who have been "weaponized" by the schemer themselves.
But if enough people pull their cash out or cancel their subscription, the whole thing gets exposed as one giant bag of nothing.
After which, people realize (one would hope) why the schemer was pushing so hard and avoiding probing questions about the details of the scheme and/or company...aka "engaging in misinformation against the company" (according to the schemer)...and why the schemer, on occasion, bad-mouthed other investments as inferior.
I'm just wondering when the medical Ponzi scheme we are currently in will come crashing down.
What will be the catalyst this time around?
My guess is, when Israel gets to the 4th jab...or maybe the 5th...and then world governments follow that protocol.
Then those "investors" who had "bought in" a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th time, only to see poor results, continued excuses and moving of the goalposts, will begin to ask questions.
Or maybe instead of merely asking questions, they will fill the streets...especially since many of them might be out of a job.
I guess we'll see.